Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wishing on Eyelashes

Im sure you've all heard of the old belief that if an eyelash accidentally falls out, you can make a wish, just as you can do when you see a falling star. Like the shooting star, I seem to be a k ways wishing on an eyelash for someone to make a change or do something different or for a situation to get resolved. The belief is completely a myth.

Besides the typical wish for personal happiness, I'm always wishing these days for someone to take a chance on me. For someone to fight for me;  make accommodations.

If a shooting star crossed my path at this very moment, I would close my eyes and wish for someone to take a leap and not look back. I'd wish for certain situations to not matter as much and my life not feel so heavy with so many challenges. I would wish for a fighting chance at a better future.

No one is exempt from flaws or bad habits. We all develop them as we pass through our lives in different relationships, friendships, families, etc. I realized tonight it takes more than wishes to change these behaviors and it's important to put the work into the relationships you feel are important. It's vital to show the ones we love that they are worth it all, whatever it takes as scary as it may be, and no step is too great when it's one step closer to a fulfilling life.

When you're scared, charge even further forward. When you're unsure, make calculated moves. When you love, love hard and don't turn your back. Move toward the ones you love and away from those who hurt.

Wishing on an eyelash or a ball of gas in the sky is a useless gesture. Words are important, but actions and showing steps speaks the loudest. These are all lessons my dad tried to teach me so many years ago, and like most important things in my life, I yet again find myself learning the hard way.

Sometimes, scratch that, most of the time we only think we know it all, but the reality is we need to listen more and trust blinding in the advice of the ones who love us.

Here's to blind faith in love and future.