Friday, September 27, 2013

Things Unspoken

I am going to start my blog with my affirmations for today because I'm not sure how to start my blog right now. The thing I want to talk about I can't and nothing else comes to mind. Maybe the affirmations will help bring it out or give me the opening to say what I'm scared to get out...

I have inner beauty - this is very vague, I realize. But I do. I have depth and sensitivity to my soul. I care deeply and love intensely. I have high expectations but it's only because of how much I put in. I am constantly self evaluating and trying to improve. 

I have nice boobs - this one caught you off guard, right? It's true. They are a nice size and real. It's true I would love a reduction, but they are quite nice and I should be more confident about them.

I am persuasive - I can build and win an argument. I can think on my feet and reason with anyone. I can show you the benefit and drive you to the right choice. I can argue for anything with tact and class. I fight for what I believe is right.

And with that, a topic has come to mind. Things unspoken. So many things go unsaid, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Some times it's okay to get upset or frustrated and let it dissipate over a few days rather than address it abruptly. It's okay to let it simmer and pass, right?

I sat with someone and carried on like things were fine, which they were for the most part, and they will be completely over time. Nothing relating to the tension was said but it was acknowledged; it was mutually felt I am sure of it. And that is okay. At least I hope so.

A lot of things can be chalked up to misunderstanding or insecurity. It comes from my feelings of solitude and lack of community. May just be a month long emotional period. Maybe I just miss the less stressful times, who knows. 

But things will turn around, they always do. I need to toughen my skin and shield myself better from letting too many people in. No one likes the Debbie Downer; it's not attractive. I need to remember my place and fight for what I want with grace and patience and forget those who don't care. Not harp on the negativity, but focus on believing the things I'm told without thinking there is a hidden agenda. 

I need to be less jealous. I had to take a moment with myself today to check myself. I had to get a grip and stop my mind from going into a dark hole of jealousy. I had to remember that nothing is being taken from me and that I am not thought of any less than before. I had to get control over my emotions and get on with my bad self. 

I don't know why I share half the stuff I tell you or anyone else. I keep thinking I should be more mysterious and hold back, yet I can't; I want to share. I want to share what I'm going through in case someone else feels the same but can't put words to their emotions. I want to be heard.

I am here and recognize now that one of my fears greater than I realized is being forgotten; overlooked; ignored; isolated; not loved. I don't want that ever. I want to be seen, heard, connected with, appreciated. I recognize that it starts with appreciating myself. It begins on the inside. I'll get there someday. 

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