Monday, October 27, 2014

Have a Little Faith

My staycation ended on a great note. Today was a great day. An early start to my day included a brisk walk to the local store. I took my time to get there, stopping to appreciate local succulent plants and smell fresh lavender. I connected with every step, taking note of the shifting gravel and crunching leaves beneath my feet. I enjoyed a cup of coffee at the store watching different locals come and go. I enjoy the environment I live in and the people around me. It's such a welcomed change from where I've just come from.

I expected my day to consist of grocery shopping and a whole lot of waiting for the time to pass. It was definitely not that. I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable my day was. I was surprised and caught off guard in a great way. I felt thought of; cared for; appreciated; loved. It is also a reminder that I need to trust peoples intentions and capabilities more. I have to let people surprise me and go with the flow. We are all capable of showing how we care, it's just a matter of doing it. And I am learning that I have to break past my bad habit of distrusting and fact checking and believe what people say. I have to have a little faith. 

I am falling asleep and all I can think is that I am a lucky girl. Sure, life has been hard, especially this year. But the people in my life now are incredible. What I feel is tremendous. The fact that there are those in my life who see what I consider my personality flaws as minor inconveniences is amazing. Today was such a wonderful day. I am falling asleep with a big smile on my face and a full, happy heart. 

It's when times are tough and life seems to be giving me the raw end of the deal that I really need to remember days like today. Days when I'm genuinely happy. 

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