Funny how a status like that followed a statement directly from her mouth saying "everyone can be a one income family; it's just a matter of making better choices and living within your means." If that isn't a prime example of the pot and the kettle I don't know what is!
This viewpoint is warped. It is not correct. It is impractical and offensive on so many levels. It lacks understand beyond an upper middle class lifestyle and a relatively stress free existence. This shows me ignorance and a lack of compassion.
Sure I can pick up and move my husband to a small Podunk town where we can purchase a $90K home and Tom can work for the local contracting company and I can be that career mother. But we're in LA. I make a very decent living and so does Tom. We do not frivolously spend, we do not party, we don't vacation or live high on the hog. Yet there is absolutely no way in hell we can own a new home in a safe area and have a kid on one income. That's unrealistic.
My favorite part of all this, besides the rudeness and lack of complete intelligence, is the hypocritical nature of the incessant facebook status updates on all the "know-it-alls" in her world. She is the biggest offender, constantly stepping on toes conversationally and repeating the same fucking point over and over until you give in just to shut her up. She's never stopped to have an actual conversation and hear out another perspective because she's too busy thinking about how right she is about life.
I've tried my hardest to be patient and understanding; I can't sit quietly any longer. I'm not out to be rude or make a point in writing this; I am venting because I'm sad that as she and I have grown in life, she's gone in a completely different direction. She is the last of my old friends that have lowered to acquaintance status. My past is practically speckled of dust left in my tracks that I can hardly remember. No longer can I recall more times of laughter and celebration than frustration and anger with her. I can't recognize the friend she once was. I didn't realize until now that what she was then she will never be again - and I need to accept that.
No hard feelings - just time to agree to disagree and keep on keeping on.
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