Friday, June 14, 2013

What's the Hold Up?!

Sometimes I get to my local Starbucks drive-thru before it opens in the morning. If it is only a matter of minutes I simply wait by the order box until they politely greet me and take my order. Seems like a simple concept. But for some waiting 2 minutes for a cup of coffee is a tragedy comparable to cutting off a toe or the apocalypse.

So here I am patiently waiting the two minutes until they open up shop and I've got a fat, cranky old barnacle of a man in a busted contractors truck behind me revving his engine to indicate his displeasure with the situation. I ignored this gesture which might as well have been him clearing his throat loudly and stomping his foot on the ground like a little whiny baby. This pissed him off even more. Then he squeezes his fat, disheveled old head out his window and yells "hey lady, what's the hold up?!" To this I reply, "the drive-thru does not open until 7, which is written on the sign right next to you. THAT'S THE HOLD UP!" With a shocked and appalled look on his face he mutters, "well what's your problem?!" And now agitated and provoked, I reply "you sir are my problem. Your rude attitude first thing in the morning is my problem!" And said angry old buzzard drives away in a huff. 

The morning drive consisted of several angry drivers all jockeying for a better position on the freeway on ramp even though they will all get there at the same time. I was cut off three times and made my horn my best friend. I am so disappointed that I have become this worked up. It's fucking Friday!! 

These types of encounters, which happen more often than not, lead me to lose faith in human decency. I know there are good, patient, pleasant people out there, but it seems like there are less and less around as time goes by. I find I am dealing with snappy, impatient, crotchety people more often than anything else. I am met with a dirty look or a snappy comment more often than a kind person holding the door open for me or saying thank you. 

We all start out in the same place; as a blank slate for our parents to mold and develop into decent members of society. It is their main responsibility to teach us right from wrong and how to be polite and understanding. It is up to them to provide us with tools and knowledge to act accordingly with grace and class. Is it possible that so many have failed? That is a really sad thought that I would like to believe isn't true. 

Maybe it's the pressure of the times- we are all rushing to get up and get to work, to make money to survive. We are an instant gratification society that needs everything bigger, better, faster...NOW! I am at fault of this myself as I am far from sainthood. I am going to make a conscious effort to slow down every now and then and smell the roses so to speak. We could all spend a little more time practicing the fine art of patience and work harder to take things in stride and go with the flow, whatever the flow may be. 

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